Consent to treatment;- see the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983, Lasting Powers of Attorney and , Advance decisions
Disability discrimination
Disability discrimination under the Equality Act 2010
Fitness to drive
Hospital: Civil admission to hospital (sectioning)
Hospital: Discharge from hospital
Human Rights Act 1998
Legal Unit FAQs
Mental Capacity Act 2005 – financial decisions
Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Health and welfare decisions
Mental Capacity Act 2005 – overview and key provisions
Mental Capacity Act 2005 – structures and safeguards
Mental Capacity Act: deprivation of liberty safeguards
Mental Health Act 1983 – amendments
Mental Health Act 1983 – definition of nearest relative
Mental Health Act 1983: an outline guide
Mental health and the courts
Police and mental health
Smoking: Part 1 of the Health Act 2006
Supervised community treatment