Please note, these are links to other websites. I am not responsible for the content of these websites, but simple provide them as a useful source of information.
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British Medical Journal’s Clinical Evidence – Mental Health
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Care Quality Commission; regulates and improves the quality of health and social care and looks after the interests of people detained under the Mental Health Act.
Direct Government – Health Well Being
Mental Health – Live Well – NHS Choices
National Electronic Library for Mental Health
National Centre for Eating Disorders
Office of the Public Guardian ; Supports and promotes decision making for those who lack capacity
Revolving Doors; A charity for people with mental health problems in contact with the criminal justice system
The British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
The Royal College of Psychiatrists – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
UK Advocacy Network; Coordinating group for user-led patients’ councils, advocacy projects and mental health forums.
Young Minds