Mental health strategy to tackle stigma

October 22, 2012 by julian Leave a reply »

Health Minister Lesley Griffiths says she will “tackle stigma” over mental health and give equal access from “cradle to grave” to vulnerable people and groups.

The initiative recognises the threat to people’s mental health from financial and everyday pressures.

Julian Samiloff  says, ” in my practice I see people every day that are burdened by physical health issues, financial burdens and huge social stresses and strains. My work with them is aimed at helping them to find ways to help themselves. Often they are held back by ideas about themselves and others that prevent healthy thinking  and their response to the real world world becomes out of balance. I then find that they are stigmatised at school at work and socially by fears and false ideas about mental health which prevents or makes it difficult for them to change. My practiced focuses on the psycho-social dynamics of everyday life.”

 Mental Health facts

  • One in four adults will have mental health problems or illness at some stage of their lives.
  • One in 10 children between the ages of five and 16 has a mental health problem
  • One in six people over 80 years old will have memory problems, such as dementia

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