ADHD or attention deficit disorder …
ADHD is more common common in boys than in girls and affects around one in 25 boys and one in 100 girls in the UK.
Children are usually diagnosed between the ages of three and seven, but signs and symptoms continue into adolescence and adulthood and sometimes may only be diagnosed in later life.
Signs of ADHD
There are a range of symptoms or behaviours that are associated with ADHD. Be aware that many of these behaviours are seen in children who don’t have ADHD. Many boys and girls who may be thought to have ADHD are often only responding to a particular social environment or who are challenged by other emotional difficulties.
The following table lists a number of common ADHD signs. Please not to exercise caution when thinking about ADHD signs or symptoms. A proper diagnosis of ADHD requires much more than the recording of one or more of these signs. If you are worried its important to talk with an appropriate professional qualified and experienced in ADHD assessment.
Here are some typical signs: – Inattention, Hyperactivity, Impulsiveness, being careless, fidgeting Interrupting, not listening to or following instructions, running or climbing when and where they shouldn’t, unable to wait in queues, not finishing things, distraction, unable to stay sitting down or to play quietly, answering questions before they’ve been asked, losing or forgetting things, talking constantly.
Other signs can be: aggressiveness, poor discipline, disruptive behaviour, vocal or motor tics, fearlessness and reckless behaviour, irritability, difficulty interacting with peers, poor sleep patterns.
If you feel your child has ADHD it’s important to discuss your thoughts with your child’s school and a talk with your G.P would also be very helpful.
Frequently, a child may not have ADHD, but the signs seen are behaviours brought about by other factors and combination of factors which can be addressed and changed.
There is no cure for ADHD, but it can be managed with appropriate educational support, advice and support for parents and the individual, and sometimes in more extreme cases medication can be offered.
If you are worried please feel to give me a ring or contact me via my e-mail or web site. If I cannot respond immediately I will be able to respond within 24 hours as a maximum.
An interesting video about ADHD and another video with another point of view and yet another….video, this time about coping and exercise.