Anger Management

Anger is one of many emotions that we all feel. It is natural and often appropriate, but some times the anger just seems to take over and can spill out into every day life causing problems.  As well as discovering the necessary tools to safely manage and transform your anger effectively I will help you develop an understanding of your anger and stress levels, which in turn will  give you valuable insights into what triggers your reactions.  Sometimes anger has its connections in childhood experiences, for example some of my clients have spoken about loss and childhood withdrawal of love, family separation, inappropriate punishments, rejection, bullying, belittling and, of course, many other things.

Things that can make a person feel angry:

  • losing a love-one  (grief)
  • sexual frustration
  • being tired, hungry or in pain
  • coming off certain medicines or drugs
  • pre-menstrual syndrome
  • being insulted
  • feeling under threat
  • being ignored or not taken seriously
  • being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • something in the present reminding you of unpleasant memories

If anger is not under control it can cause problems with relationships, work and even the law. Often angry outbursts lead to arguments, abusive language or even and physical fights. It also can muddle  judgemens and may lead to behaviour that is unreasonable or irrational.

A Mental Health Foundation survey recently found that 28% of adults said they worry about how angry they sometimes feel, and 32% have a friend or relative who has similar problems.

Physical signs of anger

When angry the body releases stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which increases heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and breathing. This is called the FIGHT or FLIGHT RESPONSE.

Though this response allows people to focus on the threat and react quickly – get out of danger – it can also mean that thinking is distorted and we may do things we later regret.

Anger can affect health

Intense and uncontrolled anger is linked to health conditions such as:

  • high blood pressure
  • headaches
  • back pain
  • insomnia
  • skin conditions such as eczema
  • digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • heart attack
  • stroke

When we don’t deal with anger properly and try to hide or suppress it, it can lead to:

  • eating disorders
  • self-harm
  • misuse of drugs or alcohol
  • low self-esteem

How our working together can help you.

By working with me I will help you:

recognising when you get angry

help you to take control and cool yourself down

teach strategies that will help you to reduce your general stress levels

Feel immediately lighter and happier with yourself.

Increase your joy in life.

Gaining a refreshing new look at yourself.

Creating clear goals for yourself

Learn how to express all of  your feelings, not just anger

For a good handout click ANGER


Please feel free to e-mail me or perhaps call and we can have a chat about how we can begin to deal with the problem.