We all say that death is a part of life, and grieving a natural process, but when it happens to us or to those near us we soon see and feel that we can all respond very differently. Some feel and show huge emotions. Others feel but don’t show it. Others still become numb.
Everyone’s experience of grief and loss is different and in fact people can experience similar feelings when a relationship ends. Mourning can be thought of as a ‘cycle of loss’ which may include denial, fear, loneliness, grief, anger and ‘letting go’. It is a painful process but allows us to come to terms with the loss and n my practice I am committed to helping the individual, the family or the couple to deal with the effects of the loss in a safe, gentle and supportive way.
Grief, although normal, can show itself differently in people. Some people seem to travel through its stages effortlessly while others can feel stuck. Sometimes there is the possibility of grief turning into depression as the feelings turn inwards to despair or the grief shows itself in other problematic behaviours and feelings.
If you feel that you would like some help please give me a call now. My line is confidential and if I am unavailable I will return your call very quickly
See also Bereavement and Children